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Onshore Surimi Production by June Increases 1.7 Times to 23,700 Tons

July 28, 2008

National Surimi Manufacturers Association announced the June production volume results. Total surimi production of seven processors in Hokkaido, amounted to 3,872 tons, or 204% of the same month last year. Alaska pollack accounted for 2,478 tons, or 151%, and Atka mackerel amounted to 1,360 tons, or 118% of the same time of the previous year.

Cumulative production volume from January to June totaled 23,757 tons, or 175%, compared with the same period last year. Alaska pollack accounted for 174%, amounting to 16,048 tons, and Atka mackerel accounted for 7,625 tons, or 181% of the same period last year.

Surimi product imports from the period of January to May are as follows: pollack surimi accounted for 71% of the same period last year, amounting to 30,056 tons, and surimi made out of golden threadfin bream, was 106%, totaling 26,861 tons.

Translated by Kiyo Hayasaka on July 28, 2008

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